The Western Idaho PMI chapter wants to offer something new to its members: an avenue for you to share your expertise and knowledge with your fellow members. We are currently on the search for those who are interested in writing professional op-ed pieces to be posted on the Western Idaho chapter website. In accepting the call to write an article for the chapter, not only are you building your professional portfolio but you are also providing professional development materials for fellow chapter members and for other community members exploring opportunities that the chapter has to offer them. Members who contribute their writing for publication may also claim their writing time for Category D PDU hours Giving Back -> Create Content.
Writing Guidelines
The content of each article should be focused around topics that directly affect the position of a Project Manager (e.g. Project Management techniques and/or best practices, people management, risk management, etc.). If you feel the subject of the article is questionable, send a short summary to your assigned Content Curators for approval.
Submitted articles should not use offensive language or derogatory terms. Articles must be professional in their content, composition, and message. Any articles submitted that are questionable in any of these areas will be rejected immediately.
A short abstract (50 – 75 words) of your article should be included with the full article. This abstract will appear as a teaser in a variety of locations on the website that link directly to the full text of the article.
Each article must be a minimum of 400 words.
All articles are subject to editorial review and changes by the Content Curator.
Articles should be submitted by the 1st and the 15th of each month, to be reviewed and published within that same month. Please send completed articles to for review and potential publication.