As project managers, we’ve learned that scope creep, adding what is not in the original requirements and design documents, is bad and we must do everything we can to prevent it, but is that really the case? Scope creep isn’t always negative, so how do we distinguish between beneficial change and one that impacts the project beyond repair. Years ago, my focus was software testing, at that time each defect meant an opportunity for improvement, so it makes sense that sometimes scope change can be an opportunity for improvement too, but how can we control the size of the “creep” and turn a negative into a positive. Join us October 14, for the Lunch and Learn meeting to participate in this discussion.
From any entrance, follow the signs to the Central Elevators.
When you arrive at the Central Elevators, if you face the elevators, to the right you will see a Door marked “No Exit”, the Granite Conference room is next to the door marked “No Exit”.