Recordings/Presentations/PDU Instructions

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From Plan to Project: How COMPASS is Building the Transportation System of Tomorrow

Panelists: Toni Tisdale | Carl Miller, PMP, AICP, CTP | Liisa Itkonen, PhD, AICP


During this virtual webinar presentation, the COMPASS panelists will discuss how they apply project management methodologies and tools as they develop transportation plans and projects to build the transportation system of tomorrow.


  • Panel introductions and a quick discussion about why the Treasure Valley has a regional transportation agency
  • An overview of the process used to crowdsource information about the future of the Treasure Valley
  • Discuss of how the region’s vision will impact transportation infrastructure decisions
  • Discuss the role of the long-range transportation plan, Communities in Motion and how we built upon the region’s vision to develop goals and strategies
  • Discuss how we select transportation projects to be built, and our approach to performance management and reporting progress
  • Panel will share project management challenges in each of their planning roles and how they address those challenges

You can claim 1.0 PDU for the this Lunch and Learn. The topic aligns with any/all of the PMI Talent Triangle® components.

Quick Tips for Attendees New to the Hopin Virtual Meeting Platform 

  1. View  How to Use Hopin as an Attendee 2:36 minute video
  2. Use Chrome or Firefox for best browser results.
  3. For Apple devices, test the device security settings to ensure mic/speakers/monitor are accessible to Hopin.
  4. Attendees will enter the session with their mics and cameras automatically turned off.
  5. Attendees can click the “Request to Share Audio/Video” button to participate “on stage” with the speaker.
  6. Attendees can use the Session Chat window anytime.

Register for the Event

  1. Click this link
  2. The General Audience Ticket will be pre-selected
  3. Click the blue “Join Event” button
  4. Sign in with an existing account or complete the Hopin event registration form to create a new account. Registration Note: Enter an email address that you want event notifications to go – as well, this email will become the “username” for your new Hopin account
  5. You will receive a confirmation “You’re in!” email.
  6. IMPORTANT! Click the Add to Calendar button to add the Hopin Event link to your calendar for easy access to the event.
  7. You will receive an event reminder one day before the event, as well as, an hour before the event.

Haven’t received your registration confirmation?  Contact VP of Communications via email at for assistance.

Speaker Bio

Liisa Itkonen, Ph.D., AICP, is a Principal Planner for transportation. Prior to joining COMPASS in March 2008, she worked for the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality as a planner and project coordinator. She is a native of Finland and has a Master’s Degree in Social Policy from the University of Helsinki, Finland and a Doctorate in Environmental Sociology from Washington State University.

Toni Tisdale is a Principal Planner for transportation focusing on the Transportation Improvement Program. She joined COMPASS in 2002. Before joining COMPASS, Toni was a planner for a metropolitan planning organization in Central Texas for four years. Toni has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of North Texas.

Carl Miller, PMP, AICP, CTP, is a Principal Planner for demographics and performance-based planning. Prior to COMPASS he worked as a planner for Canyon County and for the City of Boise. He holds a Bachelor degree in Planning and Resource Management from Brigham Young University and a Master of Public Administration degree from Boise State University.