Recordings/Presentations/PDU Instructions

Project Management for Non-Profit and Volunteer Organizations presented by Stephen Hill, PMP. 

Summary:  Discussed four key project management areas (shared goals, communication, escalation paths and persuasion) to help the project manager lead not-for-profit teams towards successful project completions.

Click to view presentation video. Video includes PDU reporting instructions.   Click to review the presentation slides.

2021 January 27th – Virtual Speaker Event | Webinar

Project Management for Non-Profit and Volunteer Organizations

Presented by Stephen Hill, PMP | Ellucian

Join us from 6:30PM to 8:00PM on Wednesday, January 27th – PMI Western Idaho Chapter is hosting a 1-PDU earning Speaker Presentation event!

From the perspective of serving as a project manager for not-for-profit and volunteer organizations, applying sound project management methodology can often feel like pushing on a string. Leading project stakeholders who neither work for your organization nor report to you can present some unique challenges. This presentation will focus on four key project management areas (shared goals, communication, escalation paths and persuasion) to help the project manager lead not-for-profit teams towards successful project completions.

This online presentation provides (1.0) PDUs, and would align all Strategic, Leadership and Technical elements of the PMI® Talent Triangle .

Need to register? Click this link You will receive a confirmation email and a reminder email an hour before the event.

Have a question? Email your question to Thank you!

About the Speaker

Stephen Hill, PMP | Ellucian
For over 25 years Stephen has worked internally and as a vendor with over 250 projects at over 113 institutions of higher education providing project management leadership and guidance in implementing and using data management solutions.  Their sizes range from less than 100 students to well over 113,000. His focus is on using best practice project management methodologies with these mostly not-for-profit institutions. Stephen also teaches project management for Boise State University’s online programs.