Passport Game – in Person Networking Event

January 24th’s networking event will be a fun evening of reconnecting with other project management professionals in a relaxed atmosphere.

Enjoy light fare, with a free drink ticket, and earn a professional development unit (PDU) by learning about the chapter and its member services. Meet Board members who deliver member services and find out what you might be missing! Find out how easily you can pay it forward…become a Board member and or volunteer as an executive volunteer or committee member and earn free PDUs. Or just come and chat with the Board members and other project management professionals.

Registration discount for members! Registration includes light fare, one free drink, AND a drawing for a $25 gift card sponsored by The Outback!

You can claim 1 PDU for this evening event. Topics align with any/all of the PMI Talent Triangle® components (Business Acumen, Power Skills, Ways of Working)



5:30PMCheck-in, Pick up drink token, Networking
6:15PMPMIWIC Passport Game, Networking
7:15PMGift Card Drawing and That’s a Wrap!