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  • Professional Development Day
    Saturday, March 17, 2018 – 8AM – 4:30PM
    Project Manager of Tomorrow – Earn PDUs
  • Event Description:Join us for PMIWIC’s Professional Development Day!PMIWIC’s Professional Development Day is an all-day conference to be held on Saturday, March 17th from 8:00A – 4:30P at the West Ada Training Center in Meridian.  Our theme, The Project Manager of Tomorrow: Sharing Today’s Knowledge, Shaping Tomorrow’s Future, originated from the idea that many of our PMIWIC members quickly find their skills becoming obsolete, resulting in a “change or die” scenario.   In this conference, we will be exploring the following topics:
    •  How can you build a robust and resilient skill stack to increase your professional value?
    •  What will PMs, and the project management profession look like in the future?
    •  What preparations can you make today to be successful in tomorrow’s workplace?
    •  How can you prepare to fulfill employers’ future needs?
    •  How can you make transformational change, both organizationally and professionally?
    To bring these topics to the table, we will have exceptional keynote speakers, and breakout sessions and workshops. All featuring open discussions around how to remain relevant in an evolving workplace. We invite you to come and make the PMIWIC PDD the perfect forum to share industry innovation.Schedule of Events  See below for breakout session detailsStart          
    Registration and Buffet Breakfast9:00A
    Keynote Speaker:  Spencer Horn  “Own it! Power of Responsibility”10:30A
    (3) Speaker Breakout Sessions11:30A
    Buffet Lunch12:15P
    Keynote Speaker:  Alan Mallory  “Age of Agile: A Hybrid Approach for Adapting to Future Challenges1:30P
    (3) Speaker Breakout / Workshop Sessions3:00P
    (3) Speaker Breakout / Workshop Sessions4:00P
    Closing Address
    Earn PDU’sEarn up to 10 PDUs; 5 for attending the conference, and an additional 5 for submitting a white paper on a pre-selected topic.  Click here for more details.
    Scroll down to see breakout topic details.
    Breakout Topic: Leading with Emotional Intelligence 
    Terri Hughes, Owner/Principal, Executive Leadership Coach
    Terri Hughes, LLC 
    Breakout Topic: Managing Projects in an Agile World
    Erica Larson, CSM
    Breakout Topic:  What is your Immunity to Change – a New Way to Look at Delegation and Leadership
    David Spann, Executive Coach
    Vistage International

    Breakout Part A & B Topic:  Elevate Your Leadership.  Take Responsibility For Your Impact, Results & Reputation As A Leader!  (covers 2 breakout sessions)
    Spencer Horn, President
    Spencer Horn Solutions, LLC.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Breakout Topic:  Emotional Intelligence: Successfully Managing Diverse and Complex Teams
    Alan Mallory, BSc, PEng, PE, PMP
    Speaker, Author, Performance Coach
    Breakout Topic: Knowledge Management for Tomorrow’s Project Managers
    Erin-Todd Hansen, Business Enablement Manager
    Healthwise, Inc.

    Breakout Topic:  Knowledge Management for Tomorrow’s Project Managers
    Alexandra Winkler, Director, Project Management Office
    Healthwise, Inc. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Breakout Topic:  When Business Changes, Do You?  Keeping Yourself and Your Company Relevant
    Don Bush, VP of Marketing
    Kount, Inc.
    Breakout Topic:  Play a Design Thinking Game
    Jason Dean, IT Agile Transformation Coach
    Micron Technology
    Morning Keynote Speaker:  Spencer Horn
    “Own it! Power of Responsibility”
    Learn How Taking 100% Responsibility for the Results in Your Business and Life Gives You Power and Improves Achievement 
    Keynote Promotional Video
    Be inspired to be more effective in your roles, by focusing on five things:  1. Have clear purpose and values. 2. Taking 100% personal responsibility for results in your life. Create a culture of responsibility, and accountability. 3. Fail forward, learn from mistakes, and understand the law of the harvest. 4. Learn up, learn from those who can teach you; 5. Choose your thoughts wisely; understand the power of your thoughts. Focus on results and desired change. 
    Spencer uses personal experiences and inspiring stories to help motivate listener’s. They will learn about how to unleash power in achieving their goals. They will commit to taking control of the outcomes in their lives.  This is a “wake-up call” to seasoned leaders to get off “auto pilot”!
    •  Learn some ways we prevent ourselves from making desired changes in our roles and how to eliminate them.
    •  Attendees will learn to stop blaming. They will create ownership.
    •  They will come away with tangible vision and purpose about what is important to them through creative exercises
    •  Participants will get committed to a plan of action, which will help them have more power over the outcomes in their lives.

    Businesses across the country look to Spencer as an enthusiastic, insightful source for counsel and advice on developing productive and focused corporate cultures. Spencer is able to draw upon his 26 years of executive experience to reenergize seasoned and emerging professionals and increase organizational effectiveness. He inspires change, to develop: a powerful culture, effective communication, high performing teams and engagement.  
    Spencer is currently the President of Spencer Horn Solutions. He has previously been CEO of leadership development company and Vice President of a NASDAQ company which developed IMAX theaters in tourist destinations. There he worked with major organizations such as IMAX Corp., National Geographic Television, Radio City Productions, Disney Films and Larry Miller Theater’s, Inc. Additionally he worked with a performance training company and his clients included the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation, Sodexho, Dunkin’ Brands, Wendy’s International and Brinker International.
    He is a co-author of the “Speakers on Life” anthology “The Power of the Platform” along with Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Brian Tracy and more.  
    Lunchtime Keynote Speaker:  Alan Mallory, BSc, PEng, PE, PMP

    “Emotional Intelligence: Successfully Managing Diverse and Complex Teams”
    Throughout this interactive workshop, participants will explore various elements of emotional Intelligence from a unique perspective that encourages innovative thinking and application of mental and emotional techniques. The material builds on the Project Everest framework presented during Alan’s keynote and is a more in-depth analysis of the fundamentals of understand people and managing diverse and complex teams. In today’s society, teams are more dispersed and multicultural than ever before so there are significant challenges that must be understood and worked through. The underlying messages are focused around understanding and developing effective teams, recognizing emotional barriers, personality differences, controlling and adjusting emotions, overcoming conflicts and communication barriers in teams and putting people first, which is the foundation of high performance, profits and longterm success. 
    Some of the areas that will be covered include:  • Resolving conflicts in traditional and agile teams
      • Mental health and internal challenges
      • Understanding and managing emotions
      • The importance of team interaction and effective collaboration
      • Adapting to the environment and revised requirements
      • Adjusting and adapting accordingly to achieve strategic goals
      • Analysis of working conditions/states and making strategic adjustments
      • Transparency and integrity in the ways we communicate
      • Cultural and locational challenges
    Alan Mallory is an international speaker, author and professional development coach who is passionate about leadership and human performance. A graduate from Queen’s University, he has worked internationally with large organizations as a professional engineer and project manager. Living and working abroad has given Alan the opportunity to deepen his understanding of individual and team challenges, better appreciate cultural diversity and successfully adapt to different organizational structures. Through his work and life experiences, he has discovered that his true passion is helping people reach new heights by cultivating effective ways of thinking and taking action.  
    Building experience through a lifestyle of adventure and challenge, in the spring of 2008 Alan embarked on the journey of a lifetime: to attempt to reach the summit of Mount Everest. Along with three members of his immediate family, Alan climbed through some of the most challenging yet exciting conditions imaginable and set a world record when all four of them set foot on the summit. The expedition involved two years of planning and two months of climbing through immense challenges but they were able to overcome these obstacles through strategic planning, healthy team dynamics, self-awareness and perseverance.  
    Alan delivers a number of exciting presentations and training programs designed to help individuals, team members and organizations reach new heights in the way we think and the actions we take in order to achieve breakthrough performance.
    Terri Hughes, Owner/Principal, Executive Leadership Coach
    Terri Hughes, LLC
    Breakout Session Topic: Leading with Emotional Intelligence 
    Discover how to strengthen your emotional intelligence and learn how small changes can lead to great results.  Whether you’re leading a team, interacting with coworkers, or facilitating a training session, developing awareness of your and others’ emotional intelligence will increase your chances for success!
    Erica Larson, CSM
    Body Building.Com
    Breakout Session Topic: Managing Projects in an Agile World
    How can a company use both project management and Agile principles to move their vision and roadmap forward.  Discuss tips and ideas on how the two concepts can work together and areas where they hit snags.
    David Spann, Executive Coach
    Vistage International
    Breakout Session Topic:  What is your immunity to change – a new way to look at delegation and leadershipThis presentation is designed to introduce the participant to the concepts found in Kegan and Lahey’s 2009 book, Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization.  We will discover what sits behind change efforts, the reason most people revert to their old way of being (their immunity to change), and a new way to think about change in the lives we lead and the challenges we face in leading others.  We’ll apply this construct to two key leadership responsibilities: the need to delegate and the need to develop others.  At the end, each participant will have a roadmap to making the most important change they want to make in their lives – it’s simple and provocative!
    Spencer Horn, President
    Spencer Horn Solutions, LLC.
    Breakout Session Part A & B Topic:  Elevate Your Leadership.  Take Responsibility For Your Impact, Results & Reputation As A Leader!
    Workshop promotional video:
    Take responsibility for your impact, results and reputation. This session will help participants create awareness of the one thing that will help them improve results in their business and personal roles. It will help them begin to solve the challenges they face every day and to more successfully achieve their goals. Elevate Your Leadership has less to do with skill, education and intelligence, and more to do with the ability to think clearly under pressure, manage and motivate people effectively, and to change your approach as necessary. It has to do with your emotional intelligence!
    This class provides leaders with the skills to recognize how emotions drive behaviors, the difficulty in managing one’s own emotions, and the emotions of those around them. Tools to manage interpretation of information and appropriate levels of reactions are reviewed. Leaders become more aware of their unconscious behaviors and learn to effectively manage emotions to make conscious decisions for future behaviors.
    Alan Mallory, BSc, PEng, PE, PMP
    Speaker, Author, Performance Coach
    Breakout Session Topic:  Emotional Intelligence: Successfully Managing Diverse and Complex Teams
    Throughout this interactive workshop, participants will explore various elements of emotional Intelligence from a unique perspective that encourages innovative thinking and application of mental and emotional techniques. The material builds on the Project Everest framework presented during Alan’s keynote and is a more in-depth analysis of the fundamentals of understand people and managing diverse and complex teams.  
    The workshop is concluded with a fun, interactive activity which relates to communication, development of trust, teamwork, agility and various other project management areas. Volunteer groups are chosen from the audience to construct the different sections of a z-pulley system, which is used for crevasse rescue in mountaineering. The exercise requires the volunteer groups to work together with ropes, knots and other climbing equipment, following images and instructions that Alan provides. Once the pulley system has been constructed, the purpose of all the various sections will be demonstrated and the overall effectiveness. It is a great way to get people out of their seats, conversing and working together in a fun, collaborative atmosphere.
    Erin-Todd Hansen, Business Enablement Manager
    Healthwise, Inc.
    Alexandra Winkler, Director, Project Management Office
    Healthwise, Inc.
    Breakout Session Topic: Knowledge Management for Tomorrow’s Project Managers
    Today’s Project Manager operates in the knowledge economy. As project managers, knowledge is our currency.  We are well served to ground ourselves in the fundamentals of “knowledge management” and expand our skill sets beyond the triple constraint. Knowledge management is the process of creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and information of an organization. It refers to a multidisciplinary approach to achieving organizational objectives by making the best use of knowledge.  As problem solvers dealing in knowledge, we facilitate knowledge creation, capture and transfer.  We help create and improve process, as well as standardize work. This session will focus on specialized tools, examples and personal stories related to maximizing a project’s success by managing knowledge, and focused on the triad of people, process and technology.
    Learning Objectives: How can we prepare current and incoming project managers to fulfill these future needs? And how can project managers position themselves to be successful in tomorrow’s workplace?
    Don Bush, VP of Marketing
    Kount, Inc.
    Breakout Session Topic:  When Business Changes, Do You?  Keeping Yourself and Your Company Relevant
    As Bob Dylan said, “Times, they are a changin.”  Businesses that survive and thrive in a world of constant change reinvent themselves on a regular basis. So do top professionals. Change can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, looking at yourself or your business through new lenses can be exciting, transforming, and profitable. We’ll explore some common issues that come with change and review some tips on how to keep up and stay relevant.
    Jason Dean, IT Agile Transformation Coach
    Micron Technology
    Breakout Session Topic:  Play a Design Thinking GameDesign Thinking is an iterative process where we try to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems which are ill-defined or unknown, to find alternative strategies and solutions. It involves using a human-centric approach to understand and try out solutions to find the most meaningful approaches to the problem or opportunity. Come join us for a Design Thinking game we’ll play together to experience the use of Design Thinking first hand. The goal is to show you practically how to use Design Thinking so you can begin implementing it yourself.